Modex 2022

DTG Showcases Advanced New PowerStations at Modex 2022

DTG Showcases Advanced New PowerStations at Modex 2022; Brings Mobilized Power to the Point of Task WILMINGTON, Mass., March 9, 2022– Definitive Technology Group (DTG), the leading provider of industrial-strength power systems and mobile workstation solutions, today announced that it will be exhibiting its newest industrial PowerStations at Modex 2022, taking place in Atlanta, March…


Frankenstein Has No Place in The Warehouse

Scary things Can Come From Cobbled-Together Mobile Workstation Carts  An 1818 novel by Mark Shelley tells the tale of a young scientist, Frankenstein, who creates his namesake monster by cobbling together parts in a science experiment gone awry. For any warehouse facilities manager who had to jerry-rig a cart to mobilize workstations across a site,…

warehouse operations

How to Improve Your Warehouse Operations

How to Improve Your Warehouse Operations Using Lean Six Sigma Every industry faces pressure to increase outputs and profits. In an economic climate marked by labor shortages and supply chain disruptions, companies are taking a Lean Six Sigma approach to improve warehouse operations. While these proven processes are not new, their focus on identifying areas…

rfid powerstation

DTG Launches RFID PowerStation to Mobilize Advanced Data Collection Technologies at the Point of Task

DTG Launches RFID PowerStation to Mobilize Advanced Data Collection Technologies at the Point of Task WILMINGTON, Mass., Jan. 20, 2022– Definitive Technology Group (DTG), the leading provider of industrial-strength power systems and mobile workstation solutions and a Premier Independent Software Vendor (ISV) in Zebra Technologies’ PartnerConnect program, today introduced the RFID PowerStation, an omnidirectional RFID-enabled…

dtg 2022

2022: The Year that Everything Mobilizes

Predictions for 2022: The Year that Mobilizes Everything From warehouses to dining services, businesses will break free from the chains that bind  It’s that time of year when we hear from all the prognosticators and pundits about what’s in store for the new year.  A theme that has dominated much of the coverage is the…