DTG PowerStation

Six Traits of the Best Mobile Workstation Cart

Six Traits of Effective, Long-lasting Mobile Workstation Carts Mobile workstation carts are essential to today’s mobile workforce, but with so many available options, how can you select the best model for your business and industry? This article will identify six key traits of effective, long-lasting mobile workstations. We’ll show what the best mobile workstation cart…

dtg mobile cart

Portable RFID Reader

Why We Created the First, Commercially Available, Fixed Portable RFID Reader One of the world’s largest online retailers, which has used our products and solutions for many years, needed a passive RFID solution that would quickly and efficiently count and manage its returnable transport items (RTIs) and packing materials that were not part of its…

dtg battery management

Lithium Battery Safety

How Lithium Battery Safety Can Save Your Business From Harm The equipment powered by batteries, such as mobile computing workstations, laptops, printers, and other devices is critical to operations in healthcare, warehouse, manufacturing and retail environments. To get the most out of your IT investment, it’s crucial that you invest in the Battery Management Systems…

dtg medical workstation

Repower Your Mobile Medical Carts on Wheels

4 Benefits of Repowering Your Existing Mobile Medical Carts on Wheels Healthcare budgets are tighter than ever, and many facilities have aging, out-of-warranty mobile medical carts on wheels that are becoming more of a hindrance than an operational benefit. The truth is, many hospitals and other healthcare systems purchase the latest and greatest equipment available…

dtg mobile workstations

Companies Deploy Battery-Powered, RFID-Enabled Mobile Stations

BY CLAIRE SWEDBERG Definitive Technology Group built a solution for an online retailer and is now marketing it for use by warehouses, data centers and healthcare facilities to capture inventory counts faster and more effectively than with handhelds. May 21, 2021 RFID reader options vary from handheld models to fixed tunnels and gates, as well as forklift…

mobile workstation

Adjustable Height Mobile Computer Workstation

5 Benefits of An Adjustable Height Mobile Computer Workstation This should come as no surprise: your workforce is only as good as the tools you equip them with. Unfortunately, workforces across industries are forced to handle cumbersome, uncustomizable workstations throughout their daily routines. While the seemingly simple matter of workstation design may seem insignificant to…

food service cart

Custom Mobile Food Cart

Keep Your Food Service Business Going with a Custom Mobile Food Cart When businesses closed in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, food service businesses were among the hardest hit. What didn’t close were mobile food service operations which have the flexibility to easily ensure social distancing and continue to operate. But your food service…

warehouse mobile cart

Powered Mobile Computer Cart

5 Reasons to Use LiFE Batteries for Your Powered Mobile Computer Cart Lithium iron phosphate (LiFE) batteries are a proven way to improve the performance of any powered mobile computer cart. LiFE chemistry batteries are safer and more energy-efficient than power sources used in earlier mobile computer cart models. Unlike Lithium-ion and lead-based batteries with…

mobile computer workstation

Mobile Computer Cart with Battery

Optimize Workforce Mobility with a Mobile Computer Cart with Battery Modern warehouses, distribution and fulfillment centers, and manufacturing plants need to work quickly and efficiently to stay competitive in an ever-evolving industry. To achieve this, many have mobilized their workforce. Improving efficiency and productivity by providing workers with the tools and equipment they need to…