Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery

Lithium Iron Phosphate Batteries: A New Industrial Standard

Why Businesses are Shifting to Lithium Iron Phosphate Batteries to Power Their Operations   No matter how you look at it, batteries are getting more and more expensive to make and purchase. Global unrest, raw materials shortages, and concern for the environment are forcing power supply manufacturers to reconsider their primary battery chemistry, and lithium…

DTG LFP Battery - Lithium Battery Prices Rising

Lithium Battery Prices on the Rise

UNDERSTAND DIFFERENCES BETWEEN LITHIUM BATTERY TYPES TO ENSURE YOU MAKE THE RIGHT INVESTMENT Battery metals are at risk for the next big shortage as the global supply chain crisis wears on. Lithium battery prices are edging higher and higher, and it’s more important than ever to choose batteries that give you the power you need,…

dtg battery management

Lithium Battery Safety

How Lithium Battery Safety Can Save Your Business From Harm The equipment powered by batteries, such as mobile computing workstations, laptops, printers, and other devices is critical to operations in healthcare, warehouse, manufacturing and retail environments. To get the most out of your IT investment, it’s crucial that you invest in the Battery Management Systems…

mobile computer workstation

Mobile Computer Cart with Battery

Optimize Workforce Mobility with a Mobile Computer Cart with Battery Modern warehouses, distribution and fulfillment centers, and manufacturing plants need to work quickly and efficiently to stay competitive in an ever-evolving industry. To achieve this, many have mobilized their workforce. Improving efficiency and productivity by providing workers with the tools and equipment they need to…

Anton Bauer

Anton Bauer Exits the Medical Industry—But Definitive Can Support Your Existing Cart Fleet

ANTON BAUER EXITS THE MEDICAL INDUSTRY—BUT DEFINITIVE CAN SUPPORT YOUR EXISTING CART FLEET On 2/18/19, Anton Bauer announced that they will exit the medical industry. Fortunately, Definitive Technology Group is perfectly positioned to support your existing fleet of Anton Bauer ELORA battery systems for the next 12-months. Simply upgrade to the latest in battery technology that provides a better…

Safety First: Mobile Cart Batteries that Protect Against Fire

SAFETY FIRST: MOBILE CART BATTERY SYSTEMS THAT PROTECT AGAINST FIRE Answered on this page: What battery chemistry is the safest for a healthcare setting? How do I choose a safe battery system for my mobile computer cart? What mobile cart batteries protect against fire? Since the United States mandated the nationwide use of electronic medical…

dtg battery packs

Choosing the Right Modular Battery System

CHOOSING THE RIGHT MODULAR BATTERY SYSTEM The average hospital in the United States uses approximately 70 mobile computer workstations to document patient interactions at the bedside. Some hospitals have adopted modular battery systems that help to maximize uptime for these workstations on wheels. The reality for the ones that don’t use modular battery systems is 30-50% downtime…

dtg mobile computer battery

Your Mobile Computer Cart Battery Selection Guide

THE DEFINITIVE MOBILE COMPUTER CART BATTERY GUIDE Whether you’re looking to save time and money in a warehouse setting or maximize up-time for a mobile computer cart at a large healthcare facility, you need to choose the right battery system to power your mobile computer carts. Mobile computer carts are one of the easiest ways…