M-S Cash Drawer Wins RSPA’s Silver Vendor Award of Excellence in the Technology Distributor Category

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Pasadena, CA – September 4, 2020 – M-S Cash Drawer, a leading manufacturer of cash management solutions and distributor of point of sale, barcode, and mobility equipment, has been awarded the exclusive Silver Vendor Award of Excellence in the Technology Distributor category for 2020’s RSPA Vendor Award of Excellence.

This year, RSPA postponed the Retail NOW event, but carried on the tradition of the Vendor Awards of Excellence. This award recognizes hardware and software providers for their contributions to the industry and the unwavering support they offer to channel partners. It offers resellers an opportunity to vote for their preferred vendors.

“We are honored to be recognized by the RSPA for the third time in the past four years,” says Nash Kumar, CEO of M-S Cash Drawer. “This year’s Silver award comes at a time of unexpected challenges, but thanks to our partners and the entire team at M-S Cash Drawer, we continue to thrive in 2020 and see great promise for 2021.”

For more information about the Vendor Awards of Excellence, visit: https://www.gorspa.org/award_category/vendor-excellence/

About M-S Cash Drawer

Founded in 1974, M-S Cash Drawer manufactures one of the most reputable brands of cash drawers available today. The company plays a dual role as a technology manufacturer and a distributor, carrying a large inventory of point of sale, barcode, and mobility equipment that is sold through a worldwide ecosystem of channel partners. For more information, visit www.mscashdrawer.com

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