Auto-Star Self-Checkout Kiosk Software

Increase checkout efficiency and customer satisfaction

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Today’s customers have come to expect a quick and convenient shopping experience, tailored to their specific needs.  According to a recent survey, over 60% of shoppers prefer self-service over interacting with a store employee.  Offer your customers a flexible and easy way to scan and pay for their items, while minimizing stress on employees.

The new Auto-Star Self-Checkout offers the flexibility, speed and convenience of a traditional self-checkout at a fraction of the cost of competitive systems.  Its small footprint and modular design allow retailers to optimize valuable floor space and increase checkout efficiency.  Whether you have one checkout lane or a dozen, it is easy to manage from the from the familiar Star-Plus point of sale and back office.

Increase Checkout Efficiency

Maximize Store Capacity

Streamline Operations

to find out how Auto-Star can make your business more profitable, Contact us today